Chemistry, asked by thiruk554, 1 year ago

list of first 50 element with atomic mass


Answered by jasferanderus
the answer is.


hydrogen. 1
helium. 4
lithium. 7
berlium. 9
boron. 11
carbon. 12
nitrogen. 14
oxygen. 16
Fluorine. 19
neon. 20
sodium. 23
Magnesium. 24
aluminum. 27
silicon. 28
Phosphorus. 31
sulphur. 32
chlorine. 35
argon. 39.95
Potassium. 39
Calcium. 40
Scandium. 45
Titanium. 48
vanadium. 51
chromium. 52
Manganese. 55
iron. 55.85
cobalt. 59
Nickel. 58.68
copper. 64
zinc. 65
Ga. 70
Ge. 73
As. 75
Se. 79
Br. 80
Kr. 84
Rb. 85
Sr. 88
Y. 90
Zr. 91
Nb 93
Mo 96
Tc. 98
Ru 101
Rh 103
Pdt 106
Ag. 108
Cd. 112
In. 115
Sn. 119

I answer 1 to 50 elements orderly

hope it will like it
Answered by ritvikreddypalakonda


answer is 2852 done by ritvik reddy

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