list of green algae with their
characteristic shape of chloroplast
A list of green algae can be Hematococcus pluvalis, Ulva intestinalis, Scenedesmus obliquus, Dead Man's Finger Algae, etc. Explanation: A large group of green coloured chlorophyll containing algae, the Green Algae consists of the group Chlorophyta and Charophyta or Streptophyta.
A list of green algae can be Hematococcus pluvalis, Ulva intestinalis, Scenedesmus obliquus, Dead Man’s Finger Algae, etc.
A large group of green coloured chlorophyll containing algae, the Green Algae consists of the group Chlorophyta and Charophyta or Streptophyta. Both chlorophyll a and chlorophyll bare present in Green algae, which imparts them a "bright green colour". Some accessory pigments are also found in these algae like "beta carotene" and "xanthophylls", which imparts other colours to the algae. These pigments are generally stacked in the thylakoids of their chloroplasts.