List of homologous and heterologous organs in plants(minimum 4 in each category).The best answer will be marked as brainliest....
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The tendril of a pea plant and spines of a barberry plant are homologous organs showing similar functions. The organs which perform same function and looks similar but are quite different in their structure.
Animal Forelimbs
The forelimbs of a frog, a bird, a rabbit and a lizard look very different because they have evolved differently in response to the evolutionary pressures on each animal. However, they share a common ancestor, and thus also share a common set of bones: radius, ulna, and humerus.
Insect Mouthparts
Insect mouthparts are a perfect example of homology, because their evolution is diverse enough to include both homoplastic structures and analogous ones. For instance, it is common for scientists to divide insects into "biting insects" and "sucking insects." Within both groups, there are homoplastic clades derived from a shared ancestor.The stag beetle family, for example (Lucanidae), contains more than 1,200 homoplastic species. They take their shared name from the large, antler-like biting mouthparts stag beetles received from their common ancestor. That is an example of homoplastic homology.
Bracteate Plants,
The leaves
Of a pitcher plant, a Venus fly trap, a cactus and a poinsettia are all examples of homology. The common structure is the bract, a specialized leaf that evolutionary pressures formed into everything from the traps of predatory plants like pitcher plants and flytraps to edible nopales to the brightly colored "flowers" of the poinsettia.This is an example of analogy, rather than homoplasy: the plants in question are not closely related, but each has thickened and developed leaves into bracts to serve various evolutionary functions.