List out any 10 external organs and write out their importance
finger, toes, ear, eye,nose, neck,head,hand,leg,skin
finger= It help us to do many things and work writing and picking things.
Toes = It maintain contact with 75 persent at the ground.
Ear = It help us to listen the voice of any person, animal and music lyrics etc.
Eye = It help us to see many things like what he is doing or we were doing.
Nose = It help us to smell the fragrance of flowers and the fragrance of food etc.
Neck = It is very important for us because it keep attached head to our body.
Head = It contains sensory organs two eyes, two ears ,a nose, and tongue inside of the mouth.
hand = It help us to do many work for dinner and picking books etc.
Leg = It help us to walk, run and exercise.
Skin = It help us to feel many things like when on our skin any cut we are it feels very painful and when we are fall on ground its also painful for skin.