English, asked by sureshindiaus, 11 months ago

List out some differences between a legend and story


Answered by MoonSpark

</p><p></p><p>&lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt; &lt;html&gt; &lt;head&gt; &lt;meta charset=utf-8 /&gt; &lt;title&gt;Mampel&lt;/title&gt; &lt;/head&gt; &lt;body&gt; &lt;h1&gt;Heyyy, I am so Cool !&lt;/h1&gt; &lt;/body&gt; &lt;/html&gt;</p><p>&lt;style&gt;@-webkit-keyframes typing { from{ width: 0; } }@-webkit-keyframes blink-caret { 50% { border-color: transparent; } }h1 {font: bold 100% Consolas, Monaco, monospace;border-right: .1em solid black;width: 16.5em; width: 21ch;margin: 2em 1em;white-space: nowrap;overflow: hidden;-webkit-animation: typing 2s steps(21, end),blink-caret .5s step-end infinite alternate;}</p><p>&lt;/style&gt;

Answered by Cutedoll07

Difference btw legends and stories is only that legends once really lived and had done some great work instead stories ARE MADE AND THEY CAN BE FICTIONAL. History isthe study of past events, particularly how they relate to human lives.

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