Science, asked by laila84, 7 months ago

list out the uses of 30 elements of the periodic table​


Answered by parvathig159


Hope it helps. Please mark as brainliest. Follow me. It took lot of time. Pay for my hardwork by giving like and marking as brainliest.


1 H Hydrogen audio

explosive gas, lightest element

90% of atoms in the universe, sun and stars, H2O, life's organic molecules

2 He Helium audio

inert gas, second-lightest element

nuclear fusion in sun and stars, balloons, lasers, supercold refrigerant

3 Li Lithium audio

lightest metal, soft, reactive

lightweight aluminum alloys, batteries, impact-resistant ceramic cookware (Corningware©), mood stabilizer

4 Be Beryllium audio

lightweight metal

non-sparking copper alloy tools, aerospace, X-ray windows, beryl gems: emeralds and aquamarines

5 B Boron audio

hard black solid

borax soap, fertilizer, stiff fibers, sports equipment (golf clubs, tennis rackets, skis), heat-resistant borosilicate glass (Pyrex©), semiconductors

6 C Carbon audio

hard diamond, soft graphite

basis of life's organic molecules, animals, plants, CO2, wood, paper, cloth, plastic, coal, oil

7 N Nitrogen audio

colorless gas

78% of air, organic molecules, protein, muscles, DNA, ammonia, fertilizer, explosives (TNT), refrigerants

8 O Oxygen audio

colorless gas

21% of air, H2O, 65% of the human body, organic molecules, blood, breathing, fire, half of Earth's crust, minerals, oxides

9 F Fluorine audio

yellowish poison gas, most reactive element

glowing fluorite, toothpaste, nonstick cookware (Teflon©), CFC refrigerants (Freon©)

10 Ne Neon audio

inert gas

orange-red neon tubes for advertising signs, lasers, supercold refrigerant

11 Na Sodium audio Natrium

soft metal, reactive

salt (NaCl), nerves, baking soda, antacids, lye, soap, soda ash, glass, papermaking, street lamps

12 Mg Magnesium audio

lightweight metal

chlorophyll in green plants, talc, basalt, aluminum alloys, cars, planes, bikes, flares, sparklers, antacids

13 Al Aluminum audio or Aluminium audio

lightweight non-corroding metal

common metal, kitcheware, cans, foil, machinery, cars, planes, bikes, feldspar, granite, clay, ceramics, corundum, gems

14 Si Silicon audio

hard metalloid

quartz, granite, sand, soil, clay, ceramics, glass, algae, diatoms, semiconductors, computer chips, silicone rubber

15 P Phosphorus audio

glowing white waxy solid (also red and black forms)

bones, DNA, energy-storing phosphates (ATP), fertilizer, acids, detergents, matches

16 S Sulfur audio Sulphur

brittle yellow solid

skin, hair, eggs, onions, garlic, skunks, hot springs, volcanos, gypsum, rubber, acids, papermaking

17 Cl Chlorine audio

greenish poison gas

salt (NaCl), bleach, stomach acid, disinfectant, drinking water, swimming pools, PVC plastic pipes and bottles

18 Ar Argon audio

inert gas

1% of air, most abundant inert gas on Earth, light bulbs, "neon" tubes, lasers, welding gas

19 K Potassium audio Kalium

soft metal, reactive

salts, nerves, nutrient in fruits and vegetables, soap, fertilizer, potash, matches, gunpowder

20 Ca Calcium audio

soft metal

bones, teeth, milk, leaves, vegetables, shells, coral, limestone, chalk, gypsum, plaster, mortar, cement, marble, antacids

21 Sc Scandium audio

soft lightweight metal

aluminum alloys, racing bikes, stadium lamps, furnace bricks, aquamarines

22 Ti Titanium audio

strongest lightweight metal, heat-resistant

aerospace, racing bikes, artificial joints, white paint, blue sapphires

23 V Vanadium audio

hard metal

hard strong resilient steel, structures, vehicles, springs, driveshafts, tools, aerospace, violet sapphires

24 Cr Chromium audio

hard shiny metal

stainless steel (Fe-Cr-Ni), kitchenware, nichrome heaters, car trim, paints, recording tape, emeralds and rubies

25 Mn Manganese audio

hard metal

hard tough steel, earthmovers, rock crushers, rails, plows, axes, batteries, fertilizer, amethysts

26 Fe Iron audio Ferrum

medium-hard metal, magnetic

steel alloys are mostly iron, structures, vehicles, magnets, Earth's core, red rocks, blood

27 Co Cobalt audio

hard metal, magnetic

hard strong steel, cutting tools, turbines, magnets (Al-Ni-Co), blue glass and ceramics, vitamin B-12

28 Ni Nickel audio

medium-hard metal, magnetic

stainless steel (Fe-Cr-Ni), kitchenware, nichrome heaters, coins, nicad batteries, Earth's core

29 Cu Copper audio Cuprum

colored metal, conducts heat and electricity well

wires, cookware, brass (Cu-Zn), bronze (Cu-Sn), coins, pipes, blue crab blood

30 Zn Zinc audio

non-corroding metal

galvanized steel, brass (Cu-Zn), batteries, white paint, phosphors in TVs and lamps, fertilizer.

Answered by kishu6331


1 H Hydrogen explosive gas, lightest element 90% of atoms in the universe, sun and stars, H2O, life's organic molecules

15 P Phosphorus glowing white waxy solid (also red and black forms) bones, DNA, energy-storing phosphates (ATP), fertilizer, acids, detergents, matches

2 He Helium

inert gas, second-lightest element

nuclear fusion in sun and stars, balloons, lasers, supercold refrigerant

3 Li Lithium

lightest metal, soft, reactive

lightweight aluminum alloys, batteries, impact-resistant ceramic cookware (Corningware©), mood stabilizer

4 Be Beryllium

lightweight metal

non-sparking copper alloy tools, aerospace, X-ray windows, beryl gems: emeralds and aquamarines

5 B Boron

hard black solid

borax soap, fertilizer, stiff fibers, sports equipment (golf clubs, tennis rackets, skis), heat-resistant borosilicate glass (Pyrex©), semiconductors

6 C Carbon

hard diamond, soft graphite

basis of life's organic molecules, animals, plants, CO2, wood, paper, cloth, plastic, coal, oil

7 N Nitrogen

colorless gas

78% of air, organic molecules, protein, muscles, DNA, ammonia, fertilizer, explosives (TNT), refrigerants

8 O Oxygen

colorless gas

21% of air, H2O, 65% of the human body, organic molecules, blood, breathing, fire, half of Earth's crust, minerals, oxides

9 F Fluorine

yellowish poison gas, most reactive element

glowing fluorite, toothpaste, nonstick cookware (Teflon©), CFC refrigerants (Freon©)

10 Ne Neon

inert gas

orange-red neon tubes for advertising signs, lasers, supercold refrigerant

11 Na Sodium Natrium

soft metal, reactive

salt (NaCl), nerves, baking soda, antacids, lye, soap, soda ash, glass, papermaking, street lamps

12 Mg Magnesium

lightweight metal

chlorophyll in green plants, talc, basalt, aluminum alloys, cars, planes, bikes, flares, sparklers, antacids

13 Al Aluminum or Aluminium

lightweight non-corroding metal

common metal, kitcheware, cans, foil, machinery, cars, planes, bikes, feldspar, granite, clay, ceramics, corundum, gems

14 Si Silicon

hard metalloid

quartz, granite, sand, soil, clay, ceramics, glass, algae, diatoms, semiconductors, computer chips, silicone rubber

15 P Phosphorus

glowing white waxy solid (also red and black forms)

bones, DNA, energy-storing phosphates (ATP), fertilizer, acids, detergents, matches

16 S Sulfur Sulphur

brittle yellow solid

skin, hair, eggs, onions, garlic, skunks, hot springs, volcanos, gypsum, rubber, acids, papermaking

17 Cl Chlorine

greenish poison gas

salt (NaCl), bleach, stomach acid, disinfectant, drinking water, swimming pools, PVC plastic pipes and bottles

18 Ar Argon

inert gas

1% of air, most abundant inert gas on Earth, light bulbs, "neon" tubes, lasers, welding gas

19 K Potassium Kalium

soft metal, reactive

salts, nerves, nutrient in fruits and vegetables, soap, fertilizer, potash, matches, gunpowder

20 Ca Calcium

soft metal

bones, teeth, milk, leaves, vegetables, shells, coral, limestone, chalk, gypsum, plaster, mortar, cement, marble, antacids

21 Sc Scandium

soft lightweight metal

aluminum alloys, racing bikes, stadium lamps, furnace bricks, aquamarines

22 Ti Titanium

strongest lightweight metal, heat-resistant

aerospace, racing bikes, artificial joints, white paint, blue sapphires

23 V Vanadium

hard metal

hard strong resilient steel, structures, vehicles, springs, driveshafts, tools, aerospace, violet sapphires

24 Cr Chromium

hard shiny metal

stainless steel (Fe-Cr-Ni), kitchenware, nichrome heaters, car trim, paints, recording tape, emeralds and rubies

25 Mn Manganese

hard metal

hard tough steel, earthmovers, rock crushers, rails, plows, axes, batteries, fertilizer, amethysts

26 Fe Iron Ferrum

medium-hard metal, magnetic

steel alloys are mostly iron, structures, vehicles, magnets, Earth's core, red rocks, blood

27 Co Cobalt

hard metal, magnetic

hard strong steel, cutting tools, turbines, magnets (Al-Ni-Co), blue glass and ceramics, vitamin B-12

28 Ni Nickel

medium-hard metal, magnetic

stainless steel (Fe-Cr-Ni), kitchenware, nichrome heaters, coins, nicad batteries, Earth's core

29 Cu Copper Cuprum

colored metal, conducts heat and electricity well

wires, cookware, brass (Cu-Zn), bronze (Cu-Sn), coins, pipes, blue crab blood

30 Zn Zinc

non-corroding metal

galvanized steel, brass (Cu-Zn), batteries, white paint, phosphors in TVs and lamps, fertilizer

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