List ten morphological and anatomical features of thallophyta bryophyta and pteridophyta
Thallophyta consits algae and fungi
Study of algae is known as phycology
Brayophyta :are known as first land plant's and they live shady place's and moist conditions.They are regarded to amphibians.There sex organs are antheridium and archegonium.
Petrophyta:These are true land plants
They mainly angiosperm
Morphological and Anatomical features of Thallophyta:
General - Seedless and flowerless algae, fungi, lichens, bacteria.
Body structure - Lacks a well-differentiated body and plant body structure is a thallus.
Size - Varied, mostly unicellular.
Shape - Unicellular, colonial, filamentous.
Habitat - Mostly aquatic and on moist surfaces.
Vascular system – Lacks.
Reproduction - Asexual and sexual.
Evolution - No alterations of generations.
Morphological and Anatomical features of Bryophyta:
General - Flowerless small mosses, worts.
Body structure - Commonly differentiated into stem and leaf-like structures.
Size - Varied, multicellular.
Shape - Erect body, thallus or leaf-like structures attached to substratum through rhizoids or root-like structures.
Habitat – Amphibian.
Vascular system - Lacks a true vascular system or specialized cells.
Reproduction - Asexual and sexual.
Evolution - Exhibits alterations of generations.
Morphological and Anatomical features of Pteridophyta:
General - Flowerless ferns.
Body structure - Well-differentiated into stem, roots, leaves.
Size – Multicellular.
Shape - A complete plant (sporophyte) with small to big leaves.
Habitat – Terrestrial.
Vascular system - Has a true well-differentiated vascular system.
Reproduction - Undergoes fertilization and forms embryo.
Evolution - Exhibits alterations of generations.