List the activities step by step as done by keshav and shyama to comfort the chic
arrival jealous irrational Kalispell Palo oral oratorio PayPal Pepsi overlap oratorio Kajal Cristobal oral it's pack go FL El TX O'Connell Darnell0path nixhidentical raindrops psycho professorship tendencies parsec been ox PS is us Svm usual usual orchestral performance-oriented oral pita pre-eclampsia kaleidoscopes Jacksonville pictures usual prodigal officialso
The question has been referenced from the story "The Naive Friends – Nadan Dost" . In the story there are two brothers who climbed up a tree to see a birds nest and there they saw some eggs about to hatch. To comfort the chick they did the following steps
They brought some rag and laid under the eggs. Then a basket was arranged to make a roof for the eggs. and then finally some water and rice was arranged as the food for the chicks