list the advantages of self pollination and cross pollination
Causes variation in gene pool thus giving more survival advantage to the species.
Seed sare more viable and healthier with better germinating capacity.
Scope for Evolution.
Breed new variety of species.
Self pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to stigma of the same flower.
Advantages of self pollination :
Less wastage of pollen grains.
In self pollination purity of the race is maintained.
Less chances of failure of pollination.
New species and varieties of plants are not produced.
Cross pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther of one flower to the stigma in a flower of anther plant of same type.
Advantages of cross pollination :
By cross pollination, the developed progeny is stronger and healthier.
Seeds formed are of improved type and are viable.
Seeds store greater quantities of food substance like carbohydrate, fats and proteins.
Fruits produced are bigger in size and of better quality.