List the advantages of telescopes
Affordable and Available. Optical telescopes use mirrors or lenses or both. They work with visible light which is the easiest to observe. ...
Affordable and Available. Optical telescopes use mirrors or lenses or both. They work with visible light which is the easiest to observe. ...Easy to Use. Optical telescopes are very convenient to use. ...
Affordable and Available. Optical telescopes use mirrors or lenses or both. They work with visible light which is the easiest to observe. ...Easy to Use. Optical telescopes are very convenient to use. ...Visual Treat. Optical telescopes are a visual treat.
There are many types of telescopes, the more popular ones being x-ray telescope, ultraviolet telescope, infrared telescope and optical telescope. X-ray telescope uses the range of wavelength of light shorter than ultraviolet. Ultraviolet telescope uses the range of wavelength shorter than the visible light. Infrared telescope uses the range of wavelength longer than the visible light.