Computer Science, asked by chandimishra30, 2 months ago

List the application of AHP in evaluting AHP.


Answered by iamrockstar131


Sustainable procurement is an emerging theme in the construction industry across the globe. However, organizations in the construction industry often encounter impediments in improving environmental performance in construction projects, especially in procurement. Besides its other facets, procurement of construction equipment is inherited to be capital-intensive and vital for managing environmental concerns associated with built environment projects. In this regard, selection criteria in such procurement processes are generally supportive of considering cost and engineering specifications as key parameters. However, sustainability apprehensions in today’s Malaysian construction industry have mounted pressure on industry professionals to rethink their equipment acquisition strategies. The notion of green or sustainable procurement is still infancy for the Malaysian construction industry and facing challenges for embedding it in the current procurement practices. This research aims to address these apprehensions by considering six main criteria, namely, life cycle cost (LCC), performance (P), system capability (SC), operational convenience (OC), environmental impact (EI), and social benefits (SBs), and their 38 subcriteria towards procurement of sustainable construction equipment. A multicriteria-based equipment selection framework on the triple bottom line of sustainability in the context of the Malaysian construction industry has been developed and tested. The application of analytical hierarchy process (AHP) established the sustainable procurement index with a consistent sensitivity analysis results. As such, the proposed procurement index shall help decision-makers in the process of the acquisition of sustainable construction equipment in Malaysia.

Answered by luckychauhan2006oct


Mark as a brilliant please


The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), a popular multicriteria decision support tool, in assessment and selection of (best) suppliers in an enterprise, namely food wholesalers. Cooperation with suppliers is an important element of quality management. One of the major problems that modern companies have is selection of the best supplier of raw materials, equipment, services, etc. Food sector was selected as particularly sensitive towards potential risks of selection of a wrong supplier. The examples of factors that influence the choice of suppliers include i.e.: price, possibility of discounts, innovativeness. These factors have been organized into hierarchical structure and evaluated by the relevant experts – representatives of food wholesalers in Poland. They indicated, using the 9-point fundamental scale, the relative importance of each factor. Such model can be used as a universal and systematic tool to evaluate suppliers in any company.

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