List the causes and effects of drought using the graphic organiser given below.
Causes of draught are
1. Lack or insufficient rainfall (or precipitation)
2.Changes in climate
3.Human activities such as deforestation
4.Overexploitation of surface water resources
Effect of draught are
1.Farmers will have to contend with spending huge sums of money for irrigation and watering animals. This involves drilling wells or buying water from far distances.
2.Businesses and industries that produce farm equipment may close down since farmers have no money to purchase equipment.
3.Low yields equal loss of substantial income. Low yields also lead to pay cuts and layoffs to farm workers.
4.Prolonged shortage of rains means drier conditions.
Cause of drought
1. Deficiency of rainfall over a period of time resulting in water shortage.
2. the main source of water is the snow fall which melts during the summer and reaches the plains.
3.if enough snowfall doesn't take place,it cause scarcity of water and subsequent drought.
Effects of drought
1 .loss of crop
2.insufficient water for drinking and other uses.
3. lack of sanitation and contamination.
4.poverty,unemployment,and enomic disaster.
5.servere food shortage leading to malnutrition and starvation deaths.