list the challenges before india after it became independent
15th August 1947 marked the end of colonial rule in India and the country found itself standing on the threshold of a new era wherein the task was to build a strong nation. While India found itself independent from the British, it was still to find independence from social, economic and political problems that had started to become a rock in the way of its growth.
• Poverty, unemployment, low literacy rate
• No idea about foreign policy
• Military disorder because army and equipments were also divided
• Undeveloped industries
• How to maintain sovereignty of India
• What to choose socialist economy or capitalist economy (they chose mixed economy)
• Which group to be joined capitalist group led by USA or socialist group led by USSR (they initiate NAM)
• Partition
• Refugee problem
• Poor economic condition
• Separatist movement in north-east
• Integration of princely states
• Nature of administration was not fixed
• Undeveloped infrastructure
• Lack of sources to boost up technology and economy
india has changed a lot over the years and had won many achievements. inspite all these, there were many challenges that india has gone through like
- poverty
- terrorism
- indian war
- political arrogance