List the difference between clayey soil and sandy soil.
.Clayey Soil. / Sandy soil
1Particles are packed tightly. / . Particles are loosely packed.
2 It can hold a good amount of water. /. Its ability to retain water is low.
3;Water can not drain quickly. / Water can drain quickly.
4 It is heavy in weight. / It is light in weight.
1 The proportion of fine(small) particle is higher.( Clayey Soil)
The proportion of large particles is higher.)(sandy soil)
2 Particles are packed tightly.( Clayey Soil)
Particles are loosely packed.(sandy soil)
3 It can hold a good amount of water. ( Clayey Soil)
Its ability to retain water is low.(sandy soil)
4 Water can not drain quickly( Clayey Soil)
. Water can drain quickly.(sandy soil)
5 It is heavy in weight. ( Clayey Soil)
It is light in weight. (sandy soil)
6 Less air is trapped between the particles( Clayey Soil)
. More air is trapped between the particles.(sandy soil)
7 Good for growing various crops( Clayey Soil)
Not suitable for growing crops.(sandy soil)