List the impact of consuming fish with high mercury levels on human health
The toxicity of mercury depends on the form of mercury to which people are exposed.
Although mercury and its compounds are toxic substances, there is ongoing debate about exactly how toxic they are. Toxic effects, especially in the case of methylmercury, may be taking place at lower concentrations than previously thought, but this is proving difficult to establish because the suspected toxic effects are subtle and their mechanisms complex. Methylmercury is of particular concern because it can accumulate in the food chain to reach high concentrations (biomagnification).
When the poorly recycled mercury is disposed into the water by industries, the naturally occurring bacteria change it into methyl mercury. This enters the system of the fish when they take that water for breathing purposes.
When human beings eat these fishes with high level of mercury they effect their nervous system. It acts like a neurotoxin to the body and results in damaged brain and nervous system.