List the measure to prevent global warming
Answer- Measures to prevent global warming are:
1) Reduce energy use.
2) Stop deforestation.
3) Change transportation habits.
Hope it helps.
Reduce Energy Use
The energy you use at home and work contributes to increased levels of carbon dioxide; usually, fossil fuels are burned to produce and transport the energy, releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. By reducing your energy use, you can reduce your personal carbon footprint. The first thing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recommends is changing out standard lightbulbs for compact fluorescent or LED lights, which use up to 75 percent less energy and last longer. You can also upgrade heating and cooling systems and insulate your home properly to make sure your home is not wasting energy. To reduce dependence on fossil fuels, buy green power, which is produced from renewable sources like solar or wind. (See References 5)
Update Buying Habits
The way you shop and the products you buy can contribute to global warming: the materials' sourcing, manufacturing, transportation and disposal all have the potential to cause emissions and pollutants to be released into the air. The EPA recommends buying Energy Star-certified products, which are designed to be efficient and last longer. When you can, buy used products and items with recycled content and minimal packaging. (See References 7) When it comes time to throw away items, try to recycle them or donate them to another source so that they don't end up in a landfill. Be mindful of food waste and try to compost leftover food scraps. Although food waste decomposes quickly, when this takes place unattended in a landfill the process releases methane, a greenhouse gas. Incineration of biodegradable materials also releases pollutants.
Change Transportation Habits
Transportation --- in particular, car travel --- is responsible for about 25 percent of energy use in the U.S., according to the EPA, and also puts chemicals and pollutants into the air. To reduce your emissions, change your driving habits. The easiest way to cut carbon emissions is to drive less: carpool to work, take public transportation, walk or ride a bike. Consider telecommuting to work; the EPA says that working at home even one day per week can significantly reduce your carbon footprint if you are a car commuter. Keep your car maintained so that it runs efficiently. Turn off your car instead of idling, and don't drive aggressively, as abrupt acceleration and driving at high speeds burns up fuel. (See References 6)
Stop Deforestation
Deforestation is a major contributor to global warming. When large expanses of forest are cut or burned, carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is released into the atmosphere. Because trees also take carbon dioxide from the air, cutting down large numbers of trees causes carbon dioxide levels to rise even further. (See References 3) Although much of the major deforestation is taking place in tropical areas, you can take action to help prevent further loss. Support politicians who champion reforestation projects, donate to organizations that promote foreign forest management and look for wood products that have the FSC-US Forest Management Standard certification to ensure that your buying behaviors are not contributing to deforestation. (See References 4)