List the name of those students who are in class 12 sorted by stipend
To select all the information of teacher in computer department.
Ans: Select * from Teacher where Department=”Computer”
(c ) To list the name of female teachers in History Department.
Ans: Select Name from Teacher Where Sex=”F” And Department=”History”.
(d) To list all names of teachers with date of admission in ascending order.
Ans: Select Name from Teacher Order By Dateofjoining Asc
(e) To display Teacher's Name, Department, and Salary of female teachers
Ans: Select Name,Department,Salary from Teacher Where Sex=”F”
(f)To count the number of items whose salary is less than 10000
Ans: Select Count(*) from Teacher Where Salary<10000.
(g) To insert a new record in the Teacher table with the following data: 8,”Mersha”,”Computer”, (1/1/2000),12000,”M”.Ans: Insert into Teacher values ,”Mersha”, ”Computer”,{1/1/2000),12000,”M”);