list the name of various buttons available on front panel of dot matrix printer
. The printer we are using asour example is a dot matrix printer (shown in figure1-23). Dot matrix printers are widely used withmicrocomputers in the workspaces. You will becomevery familiar with their operation.P R I N T E R O P E R A T I N G C O N T R O LPANEL.— The operating control panel shown in figure1-24 displays the buttons that control various functionsalong with several indicator and warning lights thatshow you what functions are currently in operation.Listed below are some of the more common CONTROLBUTTONS and INDICATOR/WARNING LIGHTSyou are likely to see and use on this type of printer.Control Buttons. —You can set up variousfunctions and control printing functions by manuallypushing control buttons. To activate the buttons, youmust first put the printer in an offline status. Normally,this is done by depressing the online button.ONLINE BUTTON The online button allowsyou to put the printer in either online or offlinestatus. When in online status, the printer is underthe control of the operating system andFigure 1-24.—Printer operating control panel.1-22applications program. When in offline status,the printer cannot receive data.LINE-FEED (LF) BUTTON The line-feedbutton allows you to advance the printer paperone line at a time every time you press it. Onmany printers, if you depress the line-feed buttonfor more than 5 seconds, the paper feedscontinuously line by line. Regardless of how thisbutton is used, the internal line counter isincremented accordingly; therefore, the top-of-form position is never changed.FORM-FEED (FF) BUTTON The form-feedbutton allows you to advance the printer paper tothe top-of-form (TOF) position (the top of thenext page).TOP-OF-FORM (TOF) BUTTON Pressingthe TOF button will advance the printer paper 11/2 inches and redefine the location of TOF onthe paper. On this particular printer, it will notfeed the paper to the TOF position, as it does onmany of the high-speed printers you haveoperated.
hope this will be helpful!