list the property of nerve fibres
Excitability: › nerve fibres are highly excitable tissue › respond to various stimuli › Capable of generating electrical impulse Conductivity: › action potential is generated in the nerve fibre, which is propagated along its entire length to the axon terminal.
The properties of nerve fibers are excitability, conductivity, velocity, refractive period, unfatiguability, summation, and accommodation.
Excitability - Nerve fibers are excitable in nature when they can sense stimuli and carry electrical impulses throughout their length.
Conductivity - Conducting the impulses is another property of nerve fibers. They receive the impulse from the dendrites at one end and conduct it till the axon terminal through the cell body and axon fiber.
Velocity - The rate of conduction of impulse is milliseconds across the nerve fibers. The transmission is higher in long and thick nerves.
Refractive period - When an action potential is being conducted in nerve fiber, the excitability of the nerve fibers decreases. This occurs in order to have only one action potential at one time.
Unfatiguability - Fatigue is the sense of tiredness and weakness due to continuous working, There is no fatiguability character in any nerve fibers even if they work constantly. This means that nerve fibers do not get weakened and continue to work in their lifetime.
Summation - An action potential is generated when a threshold stimulus is received. Any sub-threshold cannot generate the potential in the nerve fiber. But if the sub-threshold stimuli are given in rapid succession then they add up. This summation helps in generating the action potential.
Accommodation - When continuous stimuli are received by the nerve fiber then the excitability of the nerve fiber decreases.