List the ways in which the government officer cooperated with the author ??????
This question is from the topic " the call of the soil"
The Call of the Soil
A Scent of Rice
Ice Breakers
Activity:- Discuss the following with your partner and complete the following sentences. One is done for you.
(a) Before eating apples brought from the market, I wash and peel them off.
(b) In a farmers’ market, we find vegetables and fruits.
(c) Food adulteration means adding small quantity of non – nutritious substances intentionally to improve the appearance, texture or storage properties of the food.
(d) Organic food is grown by using natural materials, methods and conditions.
(e) Organic fertilizer means the fertilizers derived from animal matter or wastes, human excreta, vegetable matter (e.g.compost and crop residues)
Activity:- Complete the following web diagram :
Rice varieties available at my Grocer’s shop
Complete the following web diagram:
list ways in which the government officer co operated with the autger