English, asked by diyainsh12109, 10 months ago

list the words ending with ' – phobia' (with the meaning) any 10​


Answered by singhmohit097937


Phobia=A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation.


•homophobia=dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.


•acrophobia=extreme or irrational fear of heights.


•xenophobia=dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.


•aerophobia=an abnormal fear of drafts of air, gases, or airborne matter.


•gynophobia=dislike or fear of women.


•mysophobia=extreme or irrational fear of dirt or contamination.


•batophobia=The fear of high objects or of high objects falling down.


•monophobia=an abnormal fear of being alone.


•computerphobia=Fear or irrational dislike of computers; cyberphobia.


•technophobia=fear, dislike, or avoidance of new technology.


Answered by dolly2861


The word ‘phobia’ means an extreme or irrational fear of something. We all have some fears and phobias. Some of us are aware of our phobias; while some of us take time to realize what is hiding in the closet.

Phobia Definition

Acarophobia .fear of itching or of insects causing itching

Acarophobia .fear of itching or of insects causing itchingAcrophobia fear of heights

Acarophobia .fear of itching or of insects causing itching

Acrophobia .fear of heigths

Aerophobia .fear of flying or draughts

Acarophobia. fear of itching or of insects causing itching

Acrophobia .fear of heights

Aerophobia fear of flying or draughtsAgoraphobia fear of open spaces

Acarophobia fear of itching or of insects causing itchingAcrophobia fear of heightsAerophobia fear of flying or draughtsAgoraphobia fear of open spacesAgyiophobia fear of crossing busy streets

Acarophobia fear of itching or of insects causing itchingAcrophobia fear of heightsAerophobia fear of flying or draughtsAgoraphobia fear of open spacesAgyiophobia fear of crossing busy streetsAichmophobia fear of sharp or pointed objects

Acarophobia fear of itching or of insects causing itchingAcrophobia fear of heightsAerophobia fear of flying or draughtsAgoraphobia fear of open spacesAgyiophobia fear of crossing busy streetsAichmophobia fear of sharp or pointed objectsAilurophobia fear of cats

Acarophobia fear of itching or of insects causing itchingAcrophobia fear of heightsAerophobia fear of flying or draughtsAgoraphobia fear of open spacesAgyiophobia fear of crossing busy streetsAichmophobia fear of sharp or pointed objectsAilurophobia fear of catsAlgophobia fear of pain

Acarophobia fear of itching or of insects causing itchingAcrophobia fear of heightsAerophobia fear of flying or draughtsAgoraphobia fear of open spacesAgyiophobia fear of crossing busy streetsAichmophobia fear of sharp or pointed objectsAilurophobia fear of catsAlgophobia fear of painAmathophobia fear of dust

Acarophobia fear of itching or of insects causing itchingAcrophobia fear of heightsAerophobia fear of flying or draughtsAgoraphobia fear of open spacesAgyiophobia fear of crossing busy streetsAichmophobia fear of sharp or pointed objectsAilurophobia fear of catsAlgophobia fear of painAmathophobia fear of dustAmaxophobia fear of riding in a car

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