List three properties of sound and the factors on which they depend.
1) Loudness - loudness of sound depends on amplitude of vibration of vibrating body.
2) Pitch- This is the property of sound which differentiate between different sound of same loudness.
3) Quality - The property of sound which enables us to differentiate between sound produced by different sound producing object.
Loudness- The sensation produced in the ear which enables us to distinguish between a loud and a faint sound is called loudness.
Loudness is determined basically by the amplitude of the wave.
2. Pitch- It is that characteristic of sound which helps in differentiating between a shrill and a grave sound.
It depends on the frequency of sound wave.
3. Quality or timbre- The characteristic of a sound which distinguishes it from another of the same pitch and loudness is called quality.
It depends on the wave-form of the sound wave.