listen to the instruction for making a pinhole camera then complete this is step instruction
Items you need: Two long boxes such in size that one slides into another; Butter Paper; black paper; cellotape
Tools you need: pen/pencil(for making hole); scissors
First, cut the ends of the two boxes so that its like pipe. Then stick the black paper to one end of the bigger box. The whole end should be covered. Make a small hole at the centre of the black paper. Now take butter paper and stick it to one end of the SMALLER BOX. Now your pinhole camera is ready!!!!
slide the smaller box into the larger in such a way that the butter paper end is away from you and try to see objects. They will be upside down.
Fact: This works on the principle - Light travels in a straight line.
Take two boxes of cardboard such that one can slide into another with no gap in between them. Cut open one side of each box. On the opposite face of the larger box, make a small hole in the middle [Fig. 11.5 (a)]. In the smaller box, cut out from the middle a square with a side of about 5 to 6 cm. Cover this open square in the box with tracing paper (translucent screen) [Fig. 11.5 (b)]. Slide the smaller box inside the larger one with the hole, in such a way that the side with the tracing paper is inside [Fig. 11.5 (c)]. Your pinhole camera is ready for use.