Little drama script - Little Bobby
Little drama script - Little Bobby
Short Drama Scripts
"Grace" Short drama of an angel who has fallen in love with a mortal. 2w 1m

"Death Takes the Train"A short play for four actors about Death's new mode of transportation from the play "Secrets of my Soul."
"The Last Can" A short play about two people in love... at the end of the world... with only one can of food left. (for 1 male and 1 female) from the play "When Mel Fell for Nell"
"The Waiting Room" dramatic scene for three actors from the published play "Death of an Insurance Salesman"
"Phone It In" scene for 4 actors about a former child star facing a difficult future in Hollywood from the play "Blondes Prefer Gentlemen"
"The Beach" serious dramatic scene for 3 actors (2 females 1 male) about revenge from the play "Blondes Prefer Gentlemen"
"Father's Day" short dramatic script for 2 actors (1 male and 1 female - father and daughter)
"PokyMonster Murders" short dramatic play for 4 or more actors about the darkside of Pokemon Go