English, asked by akrishnaveni047, 3 months ago

Little Pearl High School
Pre Final Exam
IX Class English
Marks :25M
Read the following passage
Despite the risk of being bullied his parents insisted Nick on attending main stream
school. 'It was the best decision they could have made for me,' adds Nick, who later
achieved a degree in financial planning and Real estate. It was very hard but it gave
me independence.
Nick who was teased and bullied had an electric wheel chair for mobility and a team
of carers to help him. 'I was deeply depressed when I was eight years old, he said. 'I
went to my mum crying and told her I wanted to kill myself.
"I felt cold and bitter. I hated hod for doing this to me and was terrified of what
would happen when my parents weren't there to look after me'.
'I could brush my own teeth with a wall mounted brush and wash my own hair pump
action soap, but there was so much that was impossible for me'.
(Attitude is Attitude)​


Answered by sudhasuresh198512

read and find it out u should prove u r sense here ok

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