Computer Science, asked by koehai9430, 4 months ago

Little Ponny is enjoying his summer vacation, but in the meantime, he also wants to be productive and enhance his skills.
There are N days left in the vacation, and There are M types of activities numbered from 0 to M-1, which he can do during these N days.
There is a boredom limit associated with each of these M activities, i.e., he does not want to perform ith activity for more than A[i] consecutive days.
Can you find the total number of ways to spend these N days doing exactly one activity on each day?
Two ways are different if there exists a day such that activity done on this day in the first and second way is different
Since the answer can be very large, return it modulo 10°+7.​


Answered by revu15


this is a story are what can u tell who is asking this question

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