⛄_________༺ բօllօա ตҽ ༻__________⛄
Explain the Given Terms :-
i) Polarity
ii) Non-Polarity
iii) Soluability.
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(i)Polarity is a separation of electric charge leading to a molecule or its chemical groups having an electric dipole moment, with a negatively charged end and a positively charged end.
(ii)Non-Polarity is the separation of electric charge along a bond leading to its chemical group not having an electric dipole movement.
(iii) Solubility is a chemical property referring to the ability for a given substance, the solute, to dissolve in a solvent.
⭐it refers to the way in which atoms bond each other.
⭐seperation of electric charge leading to molecule of its chemical group having an electrical dipole moment .
⭐seperation of electric charge along a bond leading to its chemical bond not having dipole movement.
⭐it refers to a property of a substance having to dissolve ,dissolute in a solvent