lleater to father asking permision and money for trip in hindi
Dear Father,
bests regards
I hope you guys will be as well as me. Annual Examination - After my school is going to have a week off. This time all the students from the school are going to Delhi with the teacher. I also want to go with these people.
Delhi is not only the capital of India, but also an ancient historical city. There are also many scenic spots here. Traveling to those places will not only entertain, but also enlightenment.
So, I request you to allow me to go on this journey. After returning from Delhi, I will write a detailed letter about the journey. Poojya would call her mother step. Remaining again
Your dear
[I hope help]
Secondary School Hindi 13 points
Letter to father to send money for school trip in hindi
Ask for details Follow Report by Nitya4877 07.11.2017
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अवतार इन्कलेव
नई दिल्ली-- ४५६७८८
प्रिय पिताजी,
आदर सहित आपको और मां को मेरा प्रणाम पिताजी। पिताजी मैं आशा करता हूं कि घर पर सब कोई कुशल एवं मंगल से है। मेरी छुट्टी होने को है। परंतु ,इस बार मैं घर नहीं आ पाऊंगा क्योंकि इस बार स्कूल से हमें घूमाने ले जा रहे है। इसलिए पिताजी मुझे थोड़े से पैसों की आवश्यकता है। अगर आप भेज देते तो मुझे घूमने में दिक्कत नहीं होगी।
आपका लाडला