English, asked by lamousumi08, 6 months ago

Lockdown is a new experience in life. write a paragraph in 600 words..
❌NO SPAM❌it's urgent.​


Answered by Rakshitaa007


The idea of online learning during lockdown sounded really nice and relaxing when it was first declared however it proved otherwise in practice. Along with many other students that I questioned, we all had similar experiences of confusion as to when the holidays took place, when schools were opening or if things were ever going to go back to normal. We also shared similar distractions during online learning, whether by social media, news about COVID 19 or just the warmth of our beds. Some students claimed it was lonely while others like ‘I’ with big families, felt like we could not get a minute alone. We went through a lot of positive and some negative experiences which created different memories. It really opened our eyes and made us see the importance of our school community and the positive impact it has on our lives. Anyway, I really enjoy being back at school and hope to never go back into quarantine/ lockdown. God bless.”

Answered by kirtishrivas63


yes dear


we are bestie

ur intro

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