logic behind crow and sparrow story??? this is my challenge question for all.
Whenever my mother or MIL is in town, my little one bombards them with this one statement "Tell me a story!" She loves stories - any story will do. My mother (who stays nearer and visits more often) has a good collection of stories that she probably told me when I was small. Each time my daughter asks for a story, she has an interesting one ready!
We all have heard of our own versions of the Crow and Sparrow stories. Here is a version that is told in our household from a long time. This was one of the first stories that my mom told my daughter almost a year ago, and my daughter still enjoys it, and adds her own versions to it!
The sparrow and the crow -
Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a crow and a sparrow. The crow's house was made of mud. The sparrow's was a sturdy stone house. One fine day, it began to rain heavily. And the crow's mud hut got washed away in the rains. The crow wondered what he could do. He needed a place to spend the day and night. He then remembered his friend the sparrow. He went straight to the sparrow's house and knocked on the door.
Knock, knock. "Sister Sparrow, please open the door". Sister sparrow asked "Who is it?" "It's me, your friend, the crow".
Sparrow replied "Wait a bit, my little kids have just woken up, I'm giving them breakfast."
After a while, crow again knocked. Knock, knock. "Sister Sparrow, open the door".
"Wait a bit dear crow; I'm giving the little ones a bath!"
After a bit, again went the crow "Knock knock, sister sparrow, open the door"
"Wait a bit dear crow; I'm putting them down for a nap!"
And finally, sparrow opened the door for the crow. Crow went in, and asked for something to eat, as he was hungry! Sparrow gave him some food to eat. Soon it was dinner time, they all ate food together. Sparrow put the kids to bed and asked the crow "Where would you sleep, crow - on the bag of rice or bag of nuts?” Pat came the reply - "On the bag of nuts!"
Soon everyone was asleep. But sparrow was awakened by some noises - "Chomp, chomp, Bite, bite". She went to the crow and asked "What's happening? I'm hearing a lot of noise and unable to sleep!" "Oh that's nothing" said crow "I'm a bit cold and that's my teeth chattering." "Well" said the sparrow "You do have a blanket. Cover yourself and go to sleep!" And off went the sparrow to get some much needed sleep.
The next morning, the kids woke up to a bad smell! "Something smells bad!" they said. The sparrow ran to where the crow was sleeping. And surprisingly, the crow was nowhere to be found. Instead, the sly crow had eaten all of the nuts, dirtied the sacks and had flown away!
The sparrow was not the happiest that day! So much for entertaining the guest at home!!
Afterward - Now this was the version we heard as kids. However, the current generation is too smart! “Wasn't the crow wearing a diaper?” was my daughter's first question ;). No, the crow was let diaper free we said. “So what next?” she asked. We had to have a proper conclusion! So here goes -
The sparrow went looking for the crow and got him home. She scolded him for dirtying the whole place, for being so ungrateful and made him clean up. The sparrow told the crow to build a sturdier house for himself, and not make the same mistake again!
Moral - Be grateful to people who help you!
Note - You could modify the story at your will to cater to your child's imagination. For my daughter, the "knock,knock" conversations extend quite a bit because the sparrow is helping kids to wake up, brush, eat, bathe, dress up, eat, sleep and much more!