Long-ans 1. Differentiate between parasite and saprophytes.
2. What do you understand by the term nutrition? Name two major types of mode of nutrition in plants
3. How can you show that chlorophyll is essential for photosynthesis?
Nutrients are the components found in our food such as carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fats, etc. These components are necessary for living organisms to survive. Plants produce their own food while animals and human beings do not produce their own food. We indirectly or directly depend on plants and animals for our food needs.
Table of Contents
Modes Of Nutrition
Autotrophic Nutrition in Plants
Conditions necessary for Photosynthesis
Steps in stem to the parts that are above ground level.
1) Parasite lives on a living organism whereas a saprophyte lives on dead and decaying matter. It lives on a living source known as the host for its nutritional requirements. It lives on dead and decaying matter for its nutritional requirements.
2)the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.
3) Take a variegated leaf of the potted plant kept in bright sunlight. Trace the outline of leaves and its variegated parts on the tracing paper (the variegated leaves show pale yellow spots in green leaves. These areas indicate the absence of chlorophyll). Dip the leaf in boiling water for a few minute.