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➡️Mixed goals
➡️Conflicting goals
➡️Common goals
★What is development ? Explain the indicators used by UNDP for measuring development ?
★# NCERT class 10th ( Eco)
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Different persons can have different development goals.What may be development for one may not be development for the other. It may be destructive for the other.
Income and Other Goals : More income; equal treatment; freedam; Job security; facilities for family; environment (healthy & secure).
Concept of National Development
World Development Report 2006, “In 2004 countries with per capita income of Rs. 453000 per annum are called rich or developed countries.Those with per capita income of Rs.37000 or less are called low income countries.Human Development Report 2006 published by UNDP, “Development is based on per capita income, educational levels of the people and their health status.
Sustainability : The regular process without harming the productivity of future generation and satisfy the need of present generation.
Sustainable Development : Development without damaging surrounding.
Average Income : Total income of the country divided by its total population. Also known as per capita income.
National Income : Sum of value of final goods produced within the country and income from foreign factors.
Infant Mortality Rate : The number of children that die before the age of one year as a proportion of 1000 live children born in that particular year.
Literacy Rate : The proportion of literate population in the 7 and above, age group.
Net attendance Ratio : the total number of children of age group 6-10 attending school as a percentage of total number of children in the same age group.
i hope it will help u mark me as a brainlist
Income and Other Goals : More income; equal treatment; freedam; Job security; facilities for family; environment (healthy & secure).
Concept of National Development
World Development Report 2006, “In 2004 countries with per capita income of Rs. 453000 per annum are called rich or developed countries.Those with per capita income of Rs.37000 or less are called low income countries.Human Development Report 2006 published by UNDP, “Development is based on per capita income, educational levels of the people and their health status.
Sustainability : The regular process without harming the productivity of future generation and satisfy the need of present generation.
Sustainable Development : Development without damaging surrounding.
Average Income : Total income of the country divided by its total population. Also known as per capita income.
National Income : Sum of value of final goods produced within the country and income from foreign factors.
Infant Mortality Rate : The number of children that die before the age of one year as a proportion of 1000 live children born in that particular year.
Literacy Rate : The proportion of literate population in the 7 and above, age group.
Net attendance Ratio : the total number of children of age group 6-10 attending school as a percentage of total number of children in the same age group.
i hope it will help u mark me as a brainlist
Thanks a lot !
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Hey there!
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For devolopement, people look at a mix of goals. For example, working women have more dignity in the household and society. If woman get more respect, and more sharing of household work it would help in greater acceptance of women working outside. A safe and secure environment may help women to take up jobs or set up business. Here, there are devolopemental goals just more than income, such as dignity.
What may be devolopement for one, may not be devolopement for other, it may even be destructive. For example, Industrialists may be wanting dams as an important devolopemental goal for them. But, natives of that place aren't benefited and it may also cause destruction as they may be displaced by submerging thier land.
There are some devolopemental goals which are common to all, irrespective of all the differences. For example, better wages, freedom, equality, security, friendship etc. are devolopemental goals which are common to all
Devolopement refers to progress or improvement in lifestyle.
Devolopement refers to process or result of which along with increase in real per capita income, there is improvement in the economical welfare and well being of people
The indicators used by UNDP (United nations devolopement programme) for measuring devolopement are :
1. Educational facilities.
2. Health
3. Per capita income, or average income.
4. Literacy rate
5. IMR (Infant mortality rate) : Number of children that die before the age of one year as a proportion of 100 live children born in that particular year.
This method reveals the disparities caused by the method of measuring devolopement by world bank.
: It's better to write sentences as same as in the textbook as there would be certain key points by which board evaluate marks.
Hope it helps!
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For devolopement, people look at a mix of goals. For example, working women have more dignity in the household and society. If woman get more respect, and more sharing of household work it would help in greater acceptance of women working outside. A safe and secure environment may help women to take up jobs or set up business. Here, there are devolopemental goals just more than income, such as dignity.
What may be devolopement for one, may not be devolopement for other, it may even be destructive. For example, Industrialists may be wanting dams as an important devolopemental goal for them. But, natives of that place aren't benefited and it may also cause destruction as they may be displaced by submerging thier land.
There are some devolopemental goals which are common to all, irrespective of all the differences. For example, better wages, freedom, equality, security, friendship etc. are devolopemental goals which are common to all
Devolopement refers to progress or improvement in lifestyle.
Devolopement refers to process or result of which along with increase in real per capita income, there is improvement in the economical welfare and well being of people
The indicators used by UNDP (United nations devolopement programme) for measuring devolopement are :
1. Educational facilities.
2. Health
3. Per capita income, or average income.
4. Literacy rate
5. IMR (Infant mortality rate) : Number of children that die before the age of one year as a proportion of 100 live children born in that particular year.
This method reveals the disparities caused by the method of measuring devolopement by world bank.
Hope it helps!
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