Long answer
Elaborate the statement ‘Freedom is essential for the growth of civilization and humanism’ with reference to ‘Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom’ in about 80 - 100 words.
In South Africa there was no any freedom for black people. White minority rule over the native blacks. Blacks were very back and they are away from the development. They had no access to any type of rights. They had no right to fight elections and access the things used by whites.
But, Nelson Mandela, a black who became hero and fight with white minorities for the freedom of blacks and finally succeed. He became President of Africa. Now blacks have all types of freedom which where often in hands of whites. Now they can fight elections, and can do any job which they want.
Now they live standard life.
So, we can say that "Freedom is essential for the growth of civilization and humanism".
dont know.
i also wanted to find the same answer. i have a feeling that are in the same school]