English, asked by sourabkumarnath6225, 1 year ago

Long Answer Question:
Life is full of trials and tribulations. Kisa Gotami also passes through a period of grief in her life. How does she behave in those circumstances?
From the lesson The Sermon at Benares.
please please do not copy paste from other websites and give your own answer[should be a good answer too]


Answered by Anonymous


Kisa Gotami was the wife of a wealthy man of Savatthi. Her story is one of the more famous ones in Buddhism.An old man told her to see the Buddha. The Buddha told her that he could bring the child back to life if she could find white mustard seeds from a family where no one had died.

) Gautama Buddha was a prince born in North India.

(b) Gautama Buddha studied Hindu Sacred Scriptures.

(c) ‘Royalty’ from the extract means ‘people of royal family’.

(d) Gautam Buddha married after his schooling at the age of sixteen years

Answered by SelieVisa


Kisa Gotami was searching everywhere for someone who could revive her dead child. But nobody can do such a miracle. Finally, a person sends her to Buddha because he was sure that Buddha would help the poor woman to come to terms with her lost and grief.

Buddha told Kisa Gotami to bring a handful of mustard seeds from a house where no one has ever died. Kisa Gotami went in search of the mustard seeds from a house from which no one has ever died. But it was impossible to be find such a house. The poor Iady realised the important lesson which Buddha wanted to teach her. Death comes to every family. No matter how dear someone is to us death will come sooner or later to part us.

Life is filled with trials and tribulations. Suffering and death. Mortal human beings must face suffering and death sooner or later. This is a fact of life and no one can escape from it. We must accept the inevitable, overcome grief and carry on. We should not allow grief to defeat us or overwhelm us. Real wisdom is to accept the inevitable and continue the journey of life.

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