Biology, asked by RAINBOWGIRL19, 1 month ago

what are Spherical Mirrors


Answered by Lovelycornetto


A curved mirror is a mirror with a curved reflecting surface. The surface may be either convex (bulging outward) or concave (recessed inward). Most curved mirrors have surfaces that are shaped like part of a sphere, but other shapes are sometimes used in optical devices. The most common non-spherical type are parabolic reflectors, found in optical devices such as reflecting telescopes that need to image distant objects, since spherical mirror systems, like spherical lenses, suffer from spherical aberration. Distorting mirrors are used for entertainment. They have convex and concave regions that produce deliberately distorted images. They also provide highly magnified or highly diminished (smaller) images when the object is placed at certain distances

Answered by aswinprasad200p5evoe


A spherical mirror is a mirror that has the shape of a piece cut out of a spherical surface. There are two types of spherical mirrors: concave and convex mirror.


Parts of Spherical Mirror

Centre of curvature (C): Centre of the sphere of which the mirror is a part.

Radius of curvature (R): Radius of the sphere of which the mirror is a part.

Pole (P/O): Geometric centre of the spherical surface of the mirror.

Principal axis: Straight line joining the pole of the mirror to its centre of curvature.

The concave mirrors are commonly used as shaving mirrors because when we see our face in the concave mirror then an enlarged and erect image is formed which helps in smooth shaving. A concave mirror is used as the reflector in search lights, head lights of motor vehicles, solar cookers, torches and in table lamps.

A convex mirror is used in automobiles such as scooters, trucks and buses as rear view mirror to see the traffic behind the vehicle. The reason for it is that a convex mirror has a much wider field of view and the images formed are smaller and erect.

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