Business Studies, asked by Tushar739229, 8 months ago

Long answer type question

Define business?
Describe its important characteristics?


Answered by pallaviab1503


1)Business is defined as an organised economic activity, wherein the exchange of goods and services takes place, for adequate consideration. It is nothing but a method of making money, from commercial transactions. It includes all those activities whose sole aim is to make available the desired goods and services to the society, in an effective manner. It is a systematic attempt of the businesspersons to produce goods and services, and sell them at the market, to reap the reward, by way of profit. Profit plays a pivotal role, as all the business activities are directed towards it, because it works an incentive to the entrepreneurs, for their efforts, and thus, necessary for every business.

2)Characteristics of business:

In order to appreciate how business activity is different from other activities in society, the nature of business or its fundamental character must be explained in terms of its distinguishing characteristics, which are as follows:

An economic activity: Business is considered to be an economic activity because it is undertaken with the object of earning money or livelihood and not because of love, affection, sympathy or any other sentimental reason.

Production or procurement of goods and services: Before goods are offered to people for consumption they must be either produced or procured by business enterprises. Thus, every business enterprise either manufactures the goods it deals in or it acquires them from producers, to be further sold to consumers or users. Goods may consist of consumable items of daily use such as sugar, ghee, pen, notebook, etc. or capital goods like machinery, furniture, etc. Services may include facilities offered to consumers in the form of transportation, banking, electricity, etc.

Sale or exchange of goods and services for the satisfaction of human needs: Directly or indirectly, business involves transfer or exchange of goods and services for value. If goods are produced not for the purpose of sale but say for internal consumption, it cannot be called a business activity. Cooking food at home for the family is not business, but cooking food and selling it to others in a restaurant is business. Thus, one essential characteristic of business is that there should be sale or exchange of goods or services between the seller and the buyer.

Dealings in goods and services on a regular basis: Business involves dealings in goods or services on a regular basis. One single transaction of sale or purchase, therefore, does not constitute business. Thus, for example, if a person sells his/her domestic radio set even at a profit, it will not be considered a business activity. But if he/she sells radio sets regularly either through a shop or from his/her residence, it will be regarded as a business activity.

Profit earning: One of the main purpose of business is to earn income by way of profit. No business can survive for long without earning profit. That is why businessmen make all possible efforts to maximise profits, by increasing the volume of sales or reducing costs. 

Uncertainty of return:Refers the lack of knowledge relating to the amount of money that the business is going to earn in a given period. Every business invests money (capital) to run its activities with the objective of earning profit. But it is not certain as to what amount of profit will be earned. Also, there is always a possibility of losses being incurred, in spite of the best efforts put into the business.

 Element of risk: Risk is the uncertainty associated with an exposure to loss. It is caused by some unfavourable or undesirable event. The risks are related with certain factors like changes in consumer tastes and fashions, changes in methods of production, strike or lockout in the work place, increased competition in the market, fire, theft, accidents, natural calamities, etc. No business can altogether do away with risks.



Answered by indrajaindu836


A business is defined as an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities. ... The term "business" also refers to the organized efforts and activities of individuals to produce and sell goods and services for profit.


Economic Activity: Business is an economic activity, as it is conducted with the primary objective of earning money, i.e. for an economic motive.

Production/purchase of goods and services: Goods and services are produced or procured by business entities, so as to add value and sell them to the consumer. Goods are either manufactured by the company or procured from the supplier, with the aim of selling it further to the consumer, for profit.

Selling of goods and services: Business must involve the transfer of goods to the customer for value, through selling, meaning that if the goods are acquired for personal consumption, then the transaction will not amount to business activity.

Continuity in dealings: Every business requires regularity in transactions, i.e. an isolated transaction of exchange of goods or services will not be considered as business. So, to constitute business, the dealings must be carried out on a regular basis.

Profit earning: The basic purpose of business is to make the profit from its activities. It is the spine of business, which keeps the business going, in the long term.

Element of risk: Risk is the key element of every business, concerned with exposure to loss. Efforts are made to forecast future events and plan the business strategies accordingly. However, the factors that affect business are uncertain and so does the business opportunities, which can be a shift in demand, floods, fall in prices, strikes, lockout, money market fluctuation, etc.

Uncertain return: In business, the return is never predictable and guaranteed, i.e. the amount of money which the business is going to reap is not certain. It may be possible that the business earns a huge profit or suffer heavy losses.

Legal and Lawful: No matter, in which type of business the company is engaged, it should be legal in the eyes of the law, or else it will not be considered as business.

Consumer satisfaction: The aim of business is to supply goods and services to consumers, so as to satisfy their wants, as when the consumer (final user) is satisfied, he/she will purchase the goods or services. But, if they are not, there are chances that they will look for substitutes.

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