Biology, asked by 8522895772, 7 months ago

long essay on greenhouse effect is a boon or a bane 1000+ words


Answered by arjunsing1104


The stratosphere ozone (o3) is a product of billions of years of the photochemical process catlalyzed by the solar radiation . The ozone screen provides a shield for living creatures by filtering out dangerous ultra-violet rays from sunlight . ultra violet radiation causes sun burn , skin cancer , cataracts and can suppress the immune system . Since 1973 it has been increasingly recognized that the ozone umbrella is being ripped off by the industrial activities of man which release chemicals like chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s)

The main problem with the CFC’s is their long life in the atmosphere ranging from 75 to 125 years . Also one molecule of CFC can destroy 1,00,000 molecules of ozone .

Also rockets which take off vertically carry ozone killers (Chlorine containing chemicals and nitrogen oxides )

Eg : The American Delta booster, the author’s rate it as a second ozone killer which destroys 8 million tonnes of the earth shielding gas during every take-off


Coming to the question of stopping launchings of space ships to obviate thinning of the ozone layer , the soviet experts are of the view the problem can be tackled by taking positive steps like minimizing production of ozone-killing chemicals , banning solid fuel fired rockets , and setting international restrictions for the frequency of launches .

Answered by HBSSubhash


Hèy Friend

Here is your answer to your question

Mark my answer as brainliest and thank me


The past month, July of 2019, has been the hottest month in the records of human history. This means on a global scale, the average climate and temperatures are now seen a steady rise year-on-year. The culprits of this climate change phenomenon are mainly pollution, overpopulation and general disregard for the environment by the human race. However, we can specifically point to two phenomenons that contribute to the rising temperatures – global warming and the greenhouse effect. Let us see more about them in this essay on the greenhouse effect.

The earth’s surface is surrounded by an envelope of the air we call the atmosphere. Gasses in this atmosphere trap the infrared radiation of the sun which generates heat on the surface of the earth. In an ideal scenario, this effect causes the temperature on the earth to be around 15c. And without such a phenomenon life could not sustain on earth.

However, due to rapid industrialization and rising pollution, the emission of greenhouse gases has increased multifold over the last few centuries. This, in turn, causes more radiation to be trapped in the earth’s atmosphere. And as a consequence, the temperature on the surface of the planet steadily rises. This is what we refer to when we talk about the man-made greenhouse effect.

Essay on Greenhouse Effect

Causes of Greenhouse Effect

As we saw earlier in this essay on the greenhouse effect, the phenomenon itself is naturally occurring and an important one to sustain life on our planet. However, there is an anthropogenic part of this effect. This is caused due to the activities of man.

The most prominent among this is the burning of fossil fuels. Our industries, vehicles, factories, etc are overly reliant on fossil fuels for their energy and power. This has caused an immense increase in emissions of harmful greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfides, etc. This has multiplied the greenhouse effect and we have seen a steady rise in surface temperatures.

Other harmful activities such as deforestation, excessive urbanization, harmful agricultural practices, etc. have also led to the release of excess carbon dioxide and made the greenhouse effect more prominent. Another harmful element that causes harm to the environment is CFC (chlorofluorocarbon).

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