Long paragraph on green India......
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Green India
Cleanliness is next to godliness:cleanliness means maintaining neatness both physically and mentally.we can estimate and analyses a person by his way of dressing.If one dressed carelessly all the people will assess hi character .a good heart is moulded from a good character.cleanliness of mind will promote spiritual perfection and happiness swachhh bharat is a campaign recently announced by our PM.NARENDRA MODI.This is a campaign to bring out a clean India.This campaign is for the clean environment and for a clean India tomorrow.This campaign will end/finish at 2019.This act has made advances to our society that have helped our Environment to flourish with life.Take out the rubbish, and the students themselves take responsibility for keeping their school green. "cleanliness is next to godliness"clean AND green maintain our environment clean and green Keep plants around the house.It was organized by India's 15th Prime Minister Narendra Modi Clean India is duty of every citizen Cleanliness India is a beautiful India.Lets be cleaned lets be civilized. Clean India we get green India.Clean India is duty of every citizen Cleanliness India is a beautiful India.Environment has received a lot of attention.
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The increase in environmental awareness has resulted in a spate of activities to conserve it. The perception that we have always been and will continue to remain at the mercy of nature is very clear. As active citizens of this planet, we are duty bound to play our parts today, in order to secure our tomorrow.
The Government of India has been a keen observer of the effects on the environment and has been in the forefront to help protect it. The Ministry of Environment & Forests - External website that opens in a new window has been actively involved in monitoring and formulating ways to preserve India's natural beauty and maintain a healthy ecological balance. From the promotion of Organic farming to the implementation of stringent industrial waste treatment rules, the government has provided facilities and policies to help us protect nature.
One of the key reasons behind the adverse impacts on our water resources, health, agriculture and food production is the threat of climate change. This emanates from the accumulated Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions generated by the increase in industrial growth and high consumption lifestyle.
The Greenhouse effect is the rise in temperature that the earth experiences because of the heat confined in by certain gases like water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide etc. The term 'greenhouse effect' is used because like the glass panes in a greenhouse, the greenhouse gases traps the heat from the sun resulting in the increased heat.So, we should grow more and more plants to avoid this situation and make a green India.