Computer Science, asked by sk0030868, 6 months ago

Long Ques Answer
Liest the 5C's of effective written comma
5 Cs
5 of effective willing​


Answered by kumardevjith



Communication is the basis of all interaction between humans. Humans have mutual interests which have to be achieved through interacting with each other. There could be many ways to communicate and correspond with one another. Correspondence usually occurs through verbal or oral discussions or through written texts. When it comes to business correspondence, written communication is often used.

Business correspondence requires the person to write in a formal manner by keeping the structure of word intact. The tone of writing in business correspondence is different from that of a general discussion. It has to follow a structure and format that is formal. The selection of words should be appropriate. There should not be any abusive language or personal remarks. It should be effective and professional. It should particularly comply with the 5 C’s of effective written communication. The grammar, spellings and punctuation should be exactly right.

Even though much advancement have been made in order to assist writing but there are still spelling mistakes observed in business correspondence. They are usually related to spelling errors. The people who are writing a business correspondence often mix up words that sound similar but are spelled differently which completely changes the meaning of the sentence and in a business correspondence this could mean disaster if a wrong message is sent out to the other party.

Some of the most common misspelled words in business correspondence are:

1- Misspell: Seperate

Correct: Separate

2- Misspell: Definate

Correct: Definite

3- Misspell: Calender

Correct: Calendar

4- Misspell: Mispell

Correct: Misspell

5- Misspell: Privlege

Correct: Privilege

6- Misspell: Arguement

Correct: Argument

7- Misspell: Concensus

Correct: Consensus

8- Misspell: Pronounciation

Correct: Pronunciation

9- Misspell: Acomodate

Correct: Accommodate

10- Misspell: Dependant

Correct: Dependent

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