English, asked by brainly78611, 1 month ago

long vowel or short vowel
1. referent
2. facade
3. miracle
4. price
5. contact
6. score​


Answered by ananyaacharp


1)one that refers or is referred to especially : the thing that a symbol (such as a word or sign) stands for. Other Words from referent Example Sentences Learn More About referent.

2)facade Add to list Share. A facade is the front of a building, or a kind of front people put up emotionally. If you're mad but acting happy, you're putting up a facade. ... A person putting on a facade is definitely putting on a front: the face they're showing to the world doesn't match how they're feeling.

3)Miracle, extraordinary and astonishing happening that is attributed to the presence and action of an ultimate or divine power.

4)A price is the (usually not negative) quantity of payment or compensation given by one party to another in return for one unit of goods or services. ... If the product is a "good" in the commercial exchange, the price of this product will likely to be called "price".

5)Contact is the act of touching or communicating with someone or something else. ... To contact (the verb) means to establish that communication.

6)a record of points made or lost (as in a game) 2 : the number of points earned for correct answers on a test. 3 : a group of 20 things : twenty. 4 : harm done by someone and kept in mind for later response I have a score to settle with you.

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