Geography, asked by iookynjai, 1 year ago

set of
m y
A network er lines that helps us to find things on
Wrap up Time
- Adobe is an important tool for studying Geography
• A lote het us to understand the earth and places on it
A globe is a small spherical model of the earth on a small scale
The clobe helps us to know the shapes and location of continents and ocean
• There are two sets of imaginary lines on the globe. One set of lines running east
Latitudes of Parallels. Another set running north to south are called Longitudes or menos
. Latitudes and Longitudes together help to locate places.
• Longitudes help us to calculate time at a place
one set of lines running cast to west are called
Exercise Time
A Tick in the correct alternative:
1. The small spherical model of the earth is called-
lat Map
(b) Globe
(c) World
(d) Hemisphere
2. Which of the following is not a continent?
(a) Asia
(b) South America (c) Arctic
(d) Antarctica
3. Indian Ocean is touched by
(a) Asia
[b] Africa
(0) Australia
(d) All of these
4. The line which divides the earth into two equal hemispheres is called-
(a) Tropic of Cancer
(b) Tropic of Capricorn
(c) Equator
(d) Prime Meridian
5. The other name for the Prime Meridian is-
(al Greenwich Meridian
(b) Tropic of Cancer
(c) Tropic of Capricorn
(d) None of these
6. What help us to calculate time at a place?
(al Latitudes
(b) Longitudes
(c) Equator
(d) All of these
3. Fill in the blanks:
1. We can see the whole world at once on the
2. The
Ocean is the biggest and deepest one.
is the biggest of all the continents.
4. Antarctica is the continent at the
5. The
is the biggest parallel
6. When latitudes and longitudes intersect each other, the
is formed​


Answered by dongreharsh4




I am not conform about this ans (b) africa


I hope this is fine

HAPPY ........................ HOLI

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