Look around and make a list of various sources of energy in use.Write atleast six of these sources in the table and complete required information about it
electrical energy
wind energy
solar energy
thermal energy
chemical energy
Different sources of energy are as follows -
• Sun : Sun is the main source of energy in our planet. We can also use the solar radiation energy to produce our necessary electrical energy.
• Wind flow : Wind flow is actually a form of mechanical energy itself which can we also converted into electrical energy by wind mills.
• Water flow : Water flow is actually a form of mechanical energy itself which can be also converted into electrical energy by water turbines.
• Fossil fuels : Fossil fuels are also goods sources of heat energy when we perform the combustion of the fossil fuels.
• Woods : Woods are also good sources of heat energy when we perform the combustion of the dry woods.
• Chemical reactions : There are many chemical reactions which produce heat energy. These chemical reactions are known as the exothermic reaction.