look around your house or neighborhood. list down the different waste in the household or your neighborhood. write how humans generate these.
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There is usually a lot of paper, glass, metals, and plastics in waste. A large part of this waste is discarded packaging. Household waste may also include toxic materials such as paint, batteries, plastic diapers (nappies), motor oil, and old pesticides and cleaning product containers.
How To Handle Various Kinds Of Waste
Waste not.
Landfills. Dumping things into designated landfill sites is still the most popular method of garbage disposal. ...
Incineration/combustion. Burning reduces solid waste to up to 30 per cent of its volume. ...
Reduce/reuse/Recycle. Discarded items are used to make other things. ...
Animal feed. ...
Composting. ...
Follow the rules.
please make me brainlest and thank me. hope this might help you
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