Look at the pictures and answer the questions below. Thank you!
in picture 1 the school student are reading in books in class
in picture 2 the frinds are enjoying the college days
Question 1 :
What can you see in these pictures? Describe each situation: people & activities.
Answer :
In the first section of the picture, I can see some students who are wearing school uniforms & studying together. They are feeling like a bit nervous & waving. They are primary students so they study in school & wear a grey uniform.
In the second section, I can see some students who are not wearing the school uniform. They are feeling good. They are seniors & study in college so they aren't wearing a uniform.
Question 2 :
In your opinion how they are feeling? Why do you think so?
Answer :
In the first section of the picture, They are feeling like a bit nervous & waving. They are primary students so they study in school & wear a grey uniform.
In the second section, They are feeling good. They are seniors & study in college so they aren't wearing a uniform. I think this because they aren't wearing a uniform.
Question 3 :
In your school, you have uniforms or not? If so then how they look like? If not then what students wear in your school?
Answer :
Yes, I have a uniform in school.
Boys Uniform :
- A white shirt with grey stripes.
- A tie.
- A black pant.
- A dark blue coat.
Girls uniform :
- A white shirt.
- A skirt.
- A "V"
- A light red coat.
Question 4 :
If you were asked to design a school uniform for your class, what clothes would you include? Which colors will you choose? Why?
Answer :
This would be a great opportunity for me. I will choose a While shirt, A navy blue coat in dark color, Blue and gray tie & a black pant. I will recommend a hand watch too.
There is not a specific reason for this but I like these colors.