look at this picture what does it suggest to you write a short story with dialogues based on the picture also give it a title

There was a school trip and teacher made group of 3 and gave each group a map of jungle the went to, all had to arrive at the top of mountain the group which will reach frist will get a prize
Raj :Hey it's a long way... do you think we will win
Ram: winning doesn't matter participating and giving your best matters
seeta:Ram is right!
Raj: Yes, we should be positive!
seeta:hey have look here guys, this is way let's hurry up!!
Ram: Yes! let's do this
Raj:hey let's not go this way , it will take us long to reach look at the map carefully here is a short cut to reach
seeta:wow brilliant idea Raj!
Ram: hey but this way can be dangerous!
Raj: Not at all! we can do this!
Ram: But you remember, teacher told safety frist
Raj: don't be childish it's ok!
seeta: yes its totally fine, and i have everything water bottle, frist aid, tiffin, binoculars, compass so no worries
Raj: if you both insist , then I am fine
Ram: That's like my friend!
seeta: come on guys hurry, half of the time is gone in decision only other teams are gone ahead already
Ram: it's ok seeta! we are the winners team as we are going from this shortcut! let's go!