Look for information about the harmful effecys of an earthquake, tsunami, and, volcanic, eruption.you may read from news articles or interwiew older persons.
World Vision pre-positions relief supplies and trains staff for emergency work in areas including child protection, relief supply chain management, and clean water provision. In disaster-prone communities, we organize programs to reduce risks from disasters and train local first responders.
In nearly 100 countries around the world, World Vision works to improve the lives of children and families and to help them prepare for and recover from disasters.
World Vision provided aid to survivors of these recent earthquakes and tsunamis:
2001 Bhuj, Gujarat, India earthquake — magnitude 7.9, 20,000 people died
2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami — magnitude 9.1; 220,000 people died
2005 Kashmir earthquake — magnitude 7.6, 73,000 people died
2010 Haiti earthquake — magnitude 7.0, 220,000 people died
2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami — magnitude 9.0, 20,000 people died
2014 Iquique earthquake and tsunami, Chile — magnitude 8.2; 5 people died, four from heart attacks
2015 Nepal earthquake — magnitude 7.8, 9,000 people died
2017 Ecuador earthquake — magnitude 7.8, 700 people died
2017 Mexico earthquakes — magnitudes 8.1 and 7.1, 315 people died
2018 Indonesia earthquakes and tsunami — magnitudes 6.9 and 7.5, more than 2,000 people died