English, asked by giridharb5124, 11 months ago

Look for pictures in newspapers and magazines that depict the urban civic problems discussed in the text. Cut them out and pin them to the text at appropriate places.


Answered by N173313


Many cities in India accurately

mirror Friedrich Engels’

description of urban centres in

nineteenth century England even

today. “Streets that are generally

unpaved, rough, dirty, filled with

vegetable and animal refuse, without

sewers or gutters but supplied with

foul, stagnant pools instead,” wrote

Engels on the living conditions of the

working class in that country.

Urban Decay

The depths of urban decay in India

came to global notice during the

pneumonic plague of 1994 in Surat; it

epitomised the failure of governments

in the post-Independence era and

exposed development policies that

ignored fundamental public health

issues inherited from colonial rule.

There is little evidence to show that

policymakers assimilated the lessons

from the Surat public health

disaster. State and municipal

governments did not pursue reform

in waste management, though civic

conditions in Surat itself underwent

change in the plague aftermath.

During the past decade, many cities

pursued development agendas—often

with the help of massive international

loans—to project ‘modernisation’ at

the cost of basic civic reform.

There is thus a continuing

challenge before the current mission

to enable and also compel local

governments to abide by the


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provisions of the Municipal Solid

Waste Management Rules by which

they are legally bound.

Post-liberalisation policies have

tended to largely disregard other key

factors that affect the quality of life

in cities and towns: poverty, lack of

sanitation, water shortages, gross

undersupply of affordable housing,

and traffic chaos generated by

automobile dependence, in turn

created by neglect of public transport.

In the absence of a hygienic

environment and safe water supply,

chronic water-borne diseases such

as cholera and other communicable

diseases continue to stalk the poor

in the biggest cities.

It must be sobering to the affluent

layers of the population that nearly

14 million Indian households

(forming 26 per cent of the total) in

the urban areas do not have a latrine

within the house, as per the Census

of India 2001; some 14 per cent have

only rudimentary ‘pit’ facilities. The

number of households without a

drainage connection stands at 11.8

million (representing 22.1 per cent

of households). Migration to cities

continues and infrastructure to treat

sewage is grossly inadequate to meet

the demand even where it exists.

It is unlikely that the quality of

the urban environment can be

dramatically improved therefore, if

such fundamental questions remain


Urban transport receives scant

attention from policymakers. Policy

distortions have led to rising

automobile dependency, higher

safety risks for road users, and land

use plans that are based not on the

needs of people, but primarily

designed to facilitate use of private

motorised vehicles.

It comes as no surprise therefore

that pedestrians and bicycle riders,

who form 30 to 70 per cent of peak

hour traffic in most urban centres,

also make up a large proportion of

fatalities in road accidents. A paper

prepared by the Transport Research

and Injury Prevention Programme

(TRIPP) of the Indian Institute of

Technology, Delhi, says pedestrian

fatalities in Mumbai and Delhi were

nearly 78 per cent and 53 per cent

of the total, according to recent

data, compared to 13 per cent and

12 per cent in Germany and the

United States.

Such alarming death rates — and

an equally high injury rate — should

persuade policymakers to revisit

their urban planning strategies and

correct the distortions. But many

cities such as Chennai have actually

done the reverse — reduced

footpaths and areas for pedestrian

use to facilitate unrestricted use of

motorised vehicles.

The practice in progressive world

cities has been different. Curitiba in

Brazil, which has attracted global

attention for innovative urban plans

using low-cost technologies, has

done everything that Indian

policymakers would dread to do.

Starting in the 1970s, this provincial

centre with the highest per capita

ownership of cars in Brazil (other

than the capital) at the time, banned

automobiles from many crowded

areas in favour of pedestrians, built

an internationally acknowledged bus

system that reduced household

commuting expenditure to below the

national average, and created new

housing areas that were provided

transport links in a planned manner.

Some of the prestigious land

development in the city, including a


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new Opera House, came up in

abandoned sites such as quarries.

The bus-way system cut riding

time by a third, Scientific American

noted in a review in the mid-1990s,

by providing for advance ticketing,

specially-designed boarding areas

with wider doors for entry/exit and

dedicated lanes for faster transit.


The Hindu, 13 December 2005


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