Lovely descriptions about cute small brown birds chirping/flying
The world is filled with so many beautiful bird species, check out our top 15 picks for the most beautiful birds in the world.
Table of Contents
15 of the Most Beautiful Birds in the World
1. Gurney’s Pitta
2. Bohemian Waxwing
3. Dusky Lory
4. Blue Bird-of-Paradise
5. African Crowned Crane
6. Greater Bird of Paradise
7. Superb Lyrebird
8. Cuban Tody
9. Secretary Bird
10. Resplendent Quetzal
11. Red Crested Turaco
12. Marvelous Spatuletail
13. Hoopoe
14. King of Saxony Bird-of-Paradise
15. Barn Owl
Natural Beauties
15 of the Most Beautiful Birds in the World
Have you ever noticed how beautiful birds can change your whole perspective? You can be having a bad day, but if a pretty bird comes into view, you suddenly feel a little lighter.
1. Gurney’s Pitta
Latin name: Hydrornis gurneyi
Unique beautiful feature: Deep blue crown
Where they are found: Myanmar and Thailand
Size: Length: 8.25 inches (21 cm); Weight: 2 to 3 ounces (57 to 86 g)
Diet: Insects, earthworms, and slugs
The Gurney’s pitta is a rare beauty indeed. If you hope to ever see one, you’ll need to travel to Khao Nor Chuchi in Thailand or Tenasserim, Myanmar, where the only remaining populations still exist.
One of the world’s most endangered bird species, this little pitta’s habitat of low-lying rainforest is quickly being cleared to make way for the palm oil industry.

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Gurney’s pittas like staying low to the ground, foraging for worms, insects, and slugs.
You wouldn’t have any trouble spotting the male with his distinctive turquoise crown and tail which contrast with its black and yellow underparts.
Donning a less dramatic blue tail, the female wears a brown crown and buffy-yellow underparts with dark barring.
Monogamous pairs make their nests on the ground or in Salacca palms during the wet season where the female incubates three to five eggs.
After the chicks hatch, the male provides food for both the female and the chicks. Sadly, due to this species' low breeding success rate, only one chick from each clutch usually survives.
2. Bohemian Waxwing
Latin name: Bombycilla garrulus
Unique beautiful feature: Red and yellow feather tips and soft coloring
Where they are found: North America and Eurasia
Size: Length: 7.5 to 9.1 inches (19 to 23 cm); Weight: 1.9 ounces (55 g); Wingspan: 12.6 to 14 inches (32 to 35.5 cm)
Diet: Insects and fruit
The flicker of red and yellow waxy feather tips on this songbird’s wings and tail will easily catch your eye, but it’s the buff plumage, pointed crest, and peach and black face markings that enhance the regal beauty of the Bohemian waxwing.
Living up to its name, this species is an
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