Biology, asked by pareshdas9583, 1 year ago

Low energy response of phytochrome


Answered by thewordlycreature

Plants growing in the natural environment are exposed daily to prolonged periods of high intensity irradiation. Many plant photomorphogenic responses are fully expressed only under prolonged exposures to high irradiances of light. The intensive study of these responses, the "High Irradiance Responses" (HIR) of plant photomorphogenesis, which started about 20 years ago, has been essentially directed-so far-toward the identification of the HIR photoreceptor, or photoreceptors, a problem that has not been satisfactorily and definitively solved, as yet. There is a great deal of evidence in support of the hypothesis that phytochrome, the pigment mediating the red- far red reversible plant photo-responses to low fluences of light, is involved in the photocontrol of the HIR. It seems likely that phytochrome may be the only photomorphogenic receptor responsible for the photocontrol of HIR responses brought about by irradiation at wavelengths longer than 600 nm. Phytochrome is probably also involved in the photocontrol of the HIR effects brought about by irradiation in the 350 to 500 nm region of the spectrum, but it cannot be excluded that other photochemical systems may also be involved. From a theoretical point of view, it does not seem unreasonable that the final expression of an HIR response may involve an interaction between phytochrome and other photochemical systems, with phytochrome probably playing the primary role and being responsible for the control of the activity of the other systems. Numerous "phytochrome only" interpretations (models) of the HIR have been proposed. Some of them have been developed to a fairly high degree of elaboration and have allowed the prediction of at least some of the features of the HIR. These "models," although not rigorously and completely tested yet, seem to provide a reasonable interpretation for the HIR effects displayed under prolonged far red irradiation and for those HIR responses for which far red is the most effective spectral region. However, they do not provide a satisfactory explanation for the HIR responses for which blue is the most or the only effective spectral region, nor for the high effectiveness of white light. But, in spite of these problems, the "phytochrome only" interpretations of the HIR can be considered more satisfactory than those based on an interaction between phytochrome and other photochemical systems, especially in relation to the fact that the identity of these other photochemical systems has not been defined yet.

Answered by Arslankincsem

In phytochrome, when a seed is placed in the dark at low energy for the process of germination and briefly exposed to sun or water then there will be no germination process.

It will put a limit to the whole germination that can result in increasing the far-red light indication.

This type of low germination is usually done as per a proper sequence.

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