English, asked by Jasashmita1, 1 year ago

Loyalty is inherent in friendship. A friend is expected to avenge the hurt caused to his friend.Describe how Antony proves his loyalty to Julius Caesar by bringing the conspirators to justice

Anonymous: come on inbox plz


Answered by Anonymous
The friendship between Julius Caesar and Marc Anthony is a remarkable one. Both of them possess a unique bond in which Caesar hold the ruling power and Anthony gave him the assistance in doing so. Anthony loved Caesar and was the only reliable friend of his. After the death of Caesar, he was the one who was affected emotionally. His grief turned into anger and rage and wished to take vengeance from the assassins of Caesar.

Mark Anthony tries to convince people that Brutus is someone who cannot be trusted upon. He tries to explain that Brutus was wrong and evil and Caesar was the one who was trustworthy and was not as ambitious as said by Brutus. He tries to convince people and sympathize for Caesar which resulted in turning the citizens against Brutus. He spoke in melancholic and passionate tone to the people. While speaking about Caesar jhe said:

“When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept."

Mark Antony concluded that Caesar was the person who was the friend of every people of Rome and his murder was a serious offense.
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